Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Stepping It Up

Found this on pinterest while I was trying to wake up this morning. When I was training for my half marathon last summer, this proved to be very true. I posted it today to tell myself.. and you.

I fell off of the workout/running train during all the wedding planning. However, I did end up losing weight the week of the wedding. Having an awesome cook of a husband now, we eat GOOD (and lack workouts) and most of the time it wouldn't be meals that Weight Watchers, or Biggest Loser would approve of, but as long as we practice self control and portion size, why not enjoy?!

Ok, ok... I haven't been good at portion size. and the self control department pretty much sucks too. This week I started eating smaller portions bc it was getting out of hand. After a month, getting back on track is a must.

So not only am I eating a little better, I'm bumping up the exercise.

This week I decided to plan out workouts.

Monday - run 2 miles
Tuesday - run 2-3 miles
Wednesday - elliptical and strength training
Thursday - run 3-4 miles
Friday - run 3-4 miles
Saturday - run 3 miles??
Sunday - REST 

I don't know. It's at least something to go by with goals in mind. I'm trying to increase mileage tolerance with no walking.. but of course have to build up. Next week my goal is to not walk for three miles? We will see.

Today, I set out running in the same neighborhood as yesterday, but went a completely different route. I ran in the same direction until I reached 2 miles. Running more was what I had planned if I could manage. I did. After walking 2 mins, I started running again.. I did alternate running and walking mile 3 and 4. Total again to 5 miles with last mile a cool down walk.

The Splits:
Mile 1 - 10:03
Mile 2 - 10:00
Mile 3 - 11:59
Mile 4 - 11:48
Mile 5 - 15:43 (Cool Down)

First off, I beat my time for yesterday! Just a few seconds faster is all I needed to put a smile on my face and say a Thank You! I also felt like throwing up because it was SO hot. My moron self went a little before 10AM when it was already high 70s.

Hey Smiley. Ya nasty.
 Oh but this is how I felt.
 I was feeling dehydrated. Someone told me when you get high cramps, its dehydration. Luckily I wasn't far from where I parked my car and was headed back.. I stopped and got a couple of sips of water and wiped my face. Then it was time for a cool down. Finally.

My right arm jelly made sure it told me its time to tone it up. Chaffing WITH bodyglide. But on one arm? The majority of the time during the last mile I walked with my fist on my hip.

When I got back to the car, I did some good stretching. I really failed to do that towards the end of my training last time.. unless it was after a long run. This go round I'm not taking any chances and being serious. Every night I plan to stretch a little.. its ridiculous how tight my body is. Andrew makes fun of me when he sees me stretch in the floor. His words.. "You wouldn't have made it in college baseball. They sit on your back to push you down to the ground." Maybe that's why I didn't go out for the team?

Walking up the stairs after my run-- ouch. Already. Crazy how soreness happens so fast. I knew I needed to do something fast.. so I chugged a protien shake and jumped in the COLD pool for an ice bath.
 While standing there, I read the rest of The Hunger Games Trilogy. What do I do with my life now that the story is over??! Any new books you can suggest I read now?
Why do I have an obsession with tennis shoes now??? WHYYYY?!

I want these. Bad.
The End.

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